The company RAMT, named after the initials of its founders, specializes in investment and project activities that address the needs of most offline industries. These include, first and foremost, manufacturing, telecommunications, and the financial sector.


RAMT creates products at the intersection of offline and online competencies. The outcomes of their work include enhancing operational efficiency, developing new sales channels, identifying new growth opportunities, and creating fundamentally new products by combining companies’ existing competencies with added expertise in digital technologies.

The central idea of the entire visual concept is that less is more. If the same action can be performed with fewer resources, it becomes more cost-effective. The visual identity follows the same principle. We eliminate and strip away all unnecessary elements in the graphics until clarity is maintained. As a result, we make the graphics more efficient, just as RAMT optimizes the operations of businesses.

Next Project
Packaging, Logo, Branding, Graphic